Bibanesi & Save the children
Bibanesi and the Enaate project ('mother' in Aramaic)
With a valuable contribution, Bibanesi decided to finance the Enaate project, which aims to support the 169 health facilities in the Segene area by supplying them with medicines and medical equipment.

Our specific and strategic approach to malnutrition
Stabilisation centres are outpatient clinics for the treatment of acute malnutrition and other illnesses requiring more intensive medical care.
Here, children suffering from malnutrition receive life-saving treatment consisting of therapeutic milk powder administered several times a day until they have regained their appetite and normal weight.
After this stage, they are given Plumpy’Nut, a product containing all the essential nutrients to treat malnutrition.
What we have achieved so far thanks to I Bibanesi
We completed the first supply of micro-nutrients, supplements and malnutrition-specific basic medicines for both community health workers, the 3 child nutrition stabilisation centres and the specialised malnutrition facilities within the health centres.
Thanks to this intervention, we cured 686 children with moderate or acute malnutrition but without medical complications through the administration of ad hoc treatments; we also cured 121 children with acute malnutrition and medical complications and therefore at immediate life-threatening risk through admission to the nutritional stabilisation centres with their mothers.
Who are Community Health Care Workers?
They are vital resources for saving children’s lives. The CSOs reach otherwise isolated rural areas by administering vitamins and food supplements. Bibanesi is also supporting the production of promotional/educational material that the CSOs will use to sensitise community mothers and spread good hygiene and nutritional practices such as: exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, proper complementary feeding, family planning, etc.